The Best Creative Nonfiction, Volume 2
This fresh collection of fact-based narratives—mined from blogs, alternative papers, literary journals, and other out-of-the-way publications—engages and delights with exceptional work about topics from birth to death and everything in between. Stefan Fatsis, author of World Freak, traces the history of his baseball glove; Donovan Hohn chases a spilled cargo-load of rubber ducks bobbing along the Pacific currents; and Pagan Kennedy explores the hidden life of the creator of The Joy of Sex. Purchase this book alone or as part of the Best Creative Nonfiction box set.
Table of Contents
Introduction: The “L” Word — And All the Rest of Us “Outsiders”
Final: Comprehensive, Roughly
Here I Am in Bergdorf Goodman
Instead of the Rat Pack
The Art of Writing a Story about Walking across Andorra
Pursuing the Great Bad Novelist
Moby-Duck, or, The Synthetic Wilderness of Childhood
The Egg and I
The Writers in the Silos
It requires neither imagination nor acumen to predict that our current conglomerating, lowest-common-denominator, demographically targeted publishing industry will soon achieve its streamlined apotheosis—a single, worldwide, Exxon Mobil-owned literary empire offering a list of seven books twice per year.My First Fairy Tale
A Sudden Pull Behind the Heart
The Suicide Murder? of Joseph Kupchik
My Glove: A Biography
Teaching the “F” Word
Hi, I’m Panicky.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Cracking Open
Range of Desire
The Dangerous Joy of Dr. Sex: The Story of Alex Comfort, in Seventeen Positions
…By Any Other Name
Everything That’s Wrong with Facebook
It Was Nothing
Shrinks Get It Wrong Sometimes
Errands in the Forest
Additional information
Weight | 4 lbs |
Dimensions | 9 × 6 × 1 in |