Mind Music: Writing the Lyric Essay
Wednesday, August 18, 2021 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Eastern
Wander around the big tent of creative nonfiction long enough, and you’ll come across an unusual specimen: the lyric essay, a hybrid form that blends the musical and imagistic impulses of poetry with the wide-ranging subject matter and sentence-based rhythms of prose.
Additional Information
This essay form is particularly well-matched for our distracted, information-soaked age. Lyric essays tend to move through their material more associatively than the traditional narrative, providing a method of weaving a whole fabric of meaning from the disparate threads of memories, facts, ideas, obsessions, and images that can so easily tangle up our minds.
This webinar will introduce you to the lyric essay as a playful, accessible, and meaningful form, and inspire you to try your hand at writing your own.
In this webinar, you will:
- LEARN a condensed history of the lyric essay as a form that blends the musical and imagistic impulses of poetry with the wide-ranging subject matter and sentence-based rhythms of prose
- FEEL inspired by studying models from a few contemporary lyric essayists
- OBSERVE how these essayists use techniques like juxtaposition, fragmentation, braiding, and silences on the page
- WALK away with ideas for how to start your own lyric essay
There will be time for a Q&A at the end of the presentation.
This webinar is ideal for anyone curious about both poetry and prose, as well as hybrid forms, willing to think beyond the traditional story structure, and eager to try new things.
All registrants receive a recording.
Course Presenter
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I enjoyed reading other peoples work and getting feedback about my own work– the handouts/video links and class lessons were also very informative and relevantly paced to the give structural guidelines.
Catherine O’Neill