
Making the Most of the First Page

Wednesday, March 30, 2022 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Eastern

We are often told that memoir should take the shape of a novel, that memoir should use fiction craft techniques to tell a unique and engaging story, and that memoir should be complete before submission. This is all wonderful advice; however, it does not apply to the first page of memoir.


Additional Information

Unlike  fiction, memoir does not have the benefit of unfolding, of developing characters, and using hints/foreshadowing in the first few chapters. Memoirists must convince the editor/reader to join them on a true-story journey. In order to do that, the writer must quickly establish voice, create trust, and show what is at stake in the memoir.

In this webinar, you learn how to:

  • ESTABLISH voice with use of diction, syntax, and dialogue
  • CREATE trust by showing the reader that you are vulnerable, honest, and straightforward
  • SHOW what’s at stake in the memoir (what is this all about?)

There will be time for a Q & A at the end of the presentation.

This presentation is ideal for writers of memoir.

All registrants receive a recording.

Captioning will be available.

Course Presenter

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It is not uncommon for classes to fill up before the end of early registration, particularly in the last few days before the deadline. If you know for certain that you wish to take a particular class, we recommend registering early. If you'd like to be added to a waitlist for a sold-out class, please email our director of education, Sharla Yates, at [email protected].

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Creative Nonfiction’s online writing classes have helped more than 3,000 writers tell their stories better.

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I enjoyed reading other peoples work and getting feedback about my own work– the handouts/video links and class lessons were also very informative and relevantly paced to the give structural guidelines.

Catherine O’Neill