Issue 17 / 2001


17 / Between the Lines

Featuring Bret Lott on Writing About Writing, and a profile of John McPhee

This issue features essays that, among other things, go between the lines—writers writing about writing—in a variety of creative and informative contexts.

Novelist Bret Lott speaks out in “Against Technique,” while Canadian journalist David Hayes analyzes the “inner monologue,” an often-debated creative nonfiction technique and tool.

Also in Creative Nonfiction #17, Laurie Stone reflects upon the ebbing and flowing career of even a successful writer; Elena Passarello ruminates on the culture-shattering brilliance of mindless, meaningless rock ’n’ roll lyrics, and what was going on in the minds of the stars who penned them; Molly Peacock dictates to her readers the beautiful inner-isolation necessary to literary creation; and Micheal Rosenwald profiles John McPhee. 

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