Maggie Messitt
When Your Co-Author Is Missing
A niece recounts her search for a lost aunt and reflects on the books and documentary films that helped her understand how to write with an absent co-authorIssue 54
Sejal H. Patel
Visiting the Past
A daughter travels to the rural Indian village where her father grew up and uses her skills as a trial lawyer to build a complete picture of her father's pastIssue 54
Emily Brisse
This Is My Oldest Story
Emily Brisse was just eight years old when eleven-year-old Jacob Wetterling was abducted from their small Minnesota town. Haunted by the long-unsolved mystery of the boy’s disappearance, Emily tries to make sense of a terrible story that isn’t really hers to tell—but that also shaped her entire life.True Story, Issue #15
Emily Waples
An Ohio gothicIssue 70
Sara Dailey
The Memory Train
"Among the 15,000 items housed in the Warren Anatomical Museum in Boston is the skull of Phineas Gage, a railroad worker who survived after a large iron rod punctured his left frontal lobe."Issue 47
J. D. Lewis
For any particular organism that once existed, the probabilitythat it today is part of the fossil record is infinitesimally small. A fundamental difficulty with extinction is that it is impossible to prove a negative—the absence of a species—and, therefore, to be sure exactly when extinction occurred. —Paul D. Taylor, “Extinctions in the History of Life” A coelacanth is a big ugly prehistoric fish.Issue 42